Radiology can't fit us in until the 4th! I guess the good news is that means we are not considered urgent in any way :) Meanwhile, we play the waiting game some more. I emailed the GI and asked him to do another set of blood work orders too so we can check the bilirubin, etc. at the same time. The HIDA scan is a 90min procedure on the 4th (start an IV, inject some radioactive dye, then strapped to a table for 90 min laying still while the machine takes photos), then we do a follow-up session of 30 min (just pictures) on the 5th and meet with the GI on the 7th for the update. So, we will hopefully have a good update in a couple weeks.
Meanwhile, we are going to continue to try having a "normal" summer with the kids before I start work (coincidentally on the 4th). Doc said all our plans/travels were okay. We are going to keep our plans to go camping over Labor Day weekend at Kalaloch, see the ocean, have some fun and I'm taking the kids to AZ to see Michelle, Heather and Emma tmrw for a few days. Wish me luck on the plane with the two of them :) Israel will be working - his last day Friday before he is off for 2 months taking his "paternity leave" when I go back to work.
More in September! Love, Phoebe
Garden of d'Lights December 2010
14 years ago