Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Clinton's Birthday

July 23 is a special day and we'd like to ask you all to take a moment to honor Clinton. Clinton lost his life in a tragic accident during the spring of 2008. When his parents, Lesa and Chris, realized that doctors could not save him, they agreed to donate his organs so that others might have a chance at life. Mario received part of Clinton's liver. As you know from reading here, Mario has done amazing because he recieved the gift of life from Clinton. Clinton would be 5 years old. Our family and Clinton's would be touched if you would take a moment to think of Clinton on this special day.

Friday, July 17, 2009

We met Clinton's family on Friday, I can share his name with you now with permission from his family. As you can imagine this was a very emotional experience for everyone. His parents, Lesa and Chris brought pictures of Clinton for us to look at. Mario and I looked through the photos while Eva played in the office with Clinton's 2 older brothers dressing up in swag from around the donate life office. There was one photo of Clinton wearing a little hooded frog suit which Mario noticed right away. He was holding his little stuffed frog that he always carries around and kissed Clinton's photo with his frog. Mario is of course too little to understand the situation, but it was so cute to see that connection between the two boys. Here's a couple photos of Clinton that his mom gave me to share.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Meeting Mario's donor family

Our updates are less frequent these days, but I know some of you still check here for, NEWS! We are scheduled to meet the parents and siblings of Mario's donor (the 2nd one) on Friday. Words cannot describe the feelings I have as I try to prepare for this meeting. I only hope that Mario's life and smile will help give some meaning to their loss.