Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mario is turning TWO on Saturday. There will be a small, low key, frog themed party at home. We've asked guests, in lieu of presents, to please consider a small donation to Children's Hospital Tranplant Fund: Here is a photo of the frog pinata - work in progress - Eva still wants to add spots, tongue, etc.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mario's Anniversary

Today marks the one year anniversary of Mario's second Liver Transplant. I have struggled over the last few days to find the words to put here. It is with mixed emotions that we recognize this milestone in his progress and recovery. I would ask you each to take a moment out of your day and send your thoughts, prayers and energy toward the family who passes the anniversary of their young sons passing. Because of their amazing gift, Mario is with us today.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

As we pass and approach the anniversary of Mario's transplants, we just want to remind everyone to keep the donor families in your thoughts and prayers. Mario will be two on April 25th and we would be honored if you would choose to make a donation in his name to the Children's Hospital Transplant Fund. Here is the link:

All our love, Araujo fam

Thursday, April 2, 2009

2 week lab check = good

Mario had labs drawn this week to confirm that everything still checks out with the lower level of his immunosuppressent and removing another medication. Everything looks great still! So, we get a 1 month pass from labs and don't return to clinic again until June (3 months). All good news!