We went in to have Mario's blood drawn in preparation for our appointment on Monday with Dr. Christie. I've been reading a lot online and found a great site called liverfamiles.net where families of kids with BA and other liver diseases meet, discuss, share information. I have found this site to be quite helpful, where you can get information from others who have gone through this and understand our situation.
On a lighter note, you can see from the latest photo that Mario is diong just amazing. He is happy and smiles, laughs, etc. He has a period of extreme fusiness every evening around 7-8pm where he seems to be in pain...we think gas, hoping that is all it is. I, of course, will bring this up with the doc on Monday.
So, we'll report back next week. Meanwhile, hope you are all enjoying your summer!
Garden of d'Lights December 2010
14 years ago
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