Just waiting still...sorry for not updating for awhile. I'm in the middle of annual budgets at work (my group does all the staff planning for all of our contact centers). FUN. Mario gets blood work every two weeks. Thus far, he is gaining weight and seems okay on his vitamin absorbtion. We have started him on solids with the blessing of our nutritionist - which is nice. He also went to daycare 2 days this week. Monday was not so great - he cried and I ended up coming to spend time with him mid day...luckily it is VERY close to my work (same place Eva has preschool). Wednesday was a totally different story, he smiled, didn't cry when I dropped him off, and laughed/played with his new "friends". So, as expected with Mario's mellow, perservering personality, he is taking it in stride and making the best of it. Beyond all that, just prepping for Halloween, Eva will be a princess (did you expect anything else?) - Mario has some options between Chili Pepper, Lion and Teddy Bear. So, we'll see where the day takes us. I'll get some new pics up here...noticing it has been a month. Mario is getting "chubbier" which is so nice to see - true weight gain (some kids gain weight, but it can be just the enlarging liver/spleen - his liver is getting hard and bigger, but he is ALSO gaining true weight). We will see how blood tests go next week - then do another more thorough check in with the transplant team on the 30th. They will continue to monitor him closely and decide to list when his condition worsens. Would be nice to get him to 12 months before xplant so he can get his MMR/Vericelli vaccines...post xplant you can't do any live virus vaccines because of the immunosupressents (sp?). Happy Autumn! The leaves are just gorgeous out our way right now. Snow soon :)