Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mario Admitted to the Hospital again :(

Well, Mario had another episode of bloody vomit at around 1230pm today with the nanny while they were on a walk. I came home, assessed the 'color' to be "not fresh" like the last two times but called our tranplant nurse. She asked me to bring him for a blood test to check his red blood count. Eva, Mario and I headed toward Children's. On the way there, he threw up brighter "fresher" blood so we ended up going to the ER. He threw up more again while in the ER. Labs came back showing INR too high (2.4), Red Blood Count down to 20 (from 28 the week before - apparently dropping close to 1/3 is pretty bad) and then his blood pressure started dropping, so they did a rush of blood from the blood bank. By 8pm he was having a blood transfusion. He is stable now and being monitored overnight very closely. In the morning Dr. Horslen will do a "Scope" - they put Mario under anestesia and look down his throat/GI track to see if there are actively bleeding "varices" - there is a procedure that can be done called "banding" to stop the bleeding if they find any. That's what I know today... Israel is sleeping at the hospital with Mario, I've got Eva and we're going back in the morning to learn all about it. I'll take my laptop and try to do an update from there - wireless works but no phones...go figure. To bed for me...

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