Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sunday 22nd at Cannon Beach

Another photo from a different camera...me and the kids enjoying the beach.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

Physical Therapist Assessment

We had our check in with Mario's physical therapist at Children's yesterday. Mario is doing great. He's about a month behind on his strength/balance/walking skills, but otherwise doing very well, developing all the right muscles, etc. She thinks he should be walking within the next month or two so we'll do one (hopefully final) check in with her in August. I love that they are so thorough in monitoring his progress and happy to have them validate what I already thought, that he's quickly catching up from his weeks in the hospital and will be doing all the normal stuff a 14 month old should be doing any day. Happy Summer all!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy 2 Month Anniversary for Mario's Second Liver

Just taking a moment to note that Mario will be 2 month's post transplant (#2) tomorrow. His lab results from this morning are good, still trending down on the liver function tests (down is good). He continues to gain weight and will probably stand up and walk any month now. Thank you all for your warm thoughts and support through it all! There are sure to be bumps along the way, but it is nice to take a moment and celebrate 2 months. Happy Pa's day to all the dad's this weekend too :) Best, Phoebe

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy Junuary

I'm happy to report that we were moved to BIweekly clinic today. Woohoo. Still need to draw labs weekly, but it will be nice to have 2 less trips/month into the hospital. We have a physical therapy check in this month too, so I'll have a report about that next week.

Today, I wanted to share this photo of the kids eating edamame. Eva eats them out of the shell and we've been "shelling" them for Mario. Well, he'll have nothing to do with the pre-shelled beans - gave quite the protest in fact and grabbed a handful of the shells and copied his sister to drag them through his teeth to get at the yummy soy beans. He's pretty good at it actually - YAY Mario on fine motor skills. He's starting to pull up to a stand, so he will catch up on walking any day.

Hope you're all grand, happy junuary (it has been raining and cold this month in Seattle - very unseasonably cold for those that don't get that reference). best, phoebe

Monday, June 2, 2008

Happy June

I know I haven't been updating as frequently, please take it as a good thing :) It has been pretty hectic going back to work and trying to keep up with all of Mario's appts. Otherwise, things are fine. We are hoping to get down to just once/week on labs this week, clinic is already once/week. Progress! Mario was playing with my phone this morning pretending to talk on it (photo). He also started pulling himself up in his crib, so we had to do the adjustment to make the matress lower. He is moving around a lot, pulling himself up, not walking yet, but good progress on his gross motor skills. He's got a developmental testing appt in mid-June to be sure, but I feel pretty confident that he is catching up nicely.