Monday, June 2, 2008

Happy June

I know I haven't been updating as frequently, please take it as a good thing :) It has been pretty hectic going back to work and trying to keep up with all of Mario's appts. Otherwise, things are fine. We are hoping to get down to just once/week on labs this week, clinic is already once/week. Progress! Mario was playing with my phone this morning pretending to talk on it (photo). He also started pulling himself up in his crib, so we had to do the adjustment to make the matress lower. He is moving around a lot, pulling himself up, not walking yet, but good progress on his gross motor skills. He's got a developmental testing appt in mid-June to be sure, but I feel pretty confident that he is catching up nicely.


Anonymous said...

"Hello, I'd like to order three peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, a tractor ride, six puppies..."

Unknown said...

He looks great!

Unknown said...

Funny, Dave, funny!

We figured "no news was good news". Glad to hear all is going well. I love his chubby little cheeks! We had no doubt your life was full and hectic currently but glad things are getting back to normal for all of you!

All our love, Mary and Jody

PS..Maybe down the road we can plan a BBQ for "Team Mario" to celebrate all of the missed birthdays and milestones (when summer finally gets here!)