Mario has been at children's hospital since Wed afternoon when we received blood test results at his 2 month well baby check up that indicated he was having problems with his liver.
This web link pretty much explains what they think it is and tests that we have been having done:
We had ultrasound and HIDA tests yesterday and today. Conclusion is that he is going for surgery, first to check the bile ducts and flow to gall bladder...if functioning that is all they will do for now (meaning they rule out Biliary Atresia), and will take a biopsy/liver sample and close him up (about an hour). If not functioning properly, they will do the Kasai procedure explained in that article (4 hours or so). They are hoping to get him in for surgery in the morning tmrw (sat) around 8-9am.
I've been at the hospital the last two nights and Israel is there now. I'm going to try to sleep for a few hours. Eva is with her friend Hannah and doing fine. I will update Suzi (Hannah's mom) and/or Michelle (my nurse friend) as things develop and the updates will be posted on this blog.
Thank you all for sending your positive energy and prayers this way, I know you want to help and I will call you or email you if there is anything you can do.
You can email me back directly if you want. I do have wireless in the hospital room - this is better than calling so I can reply when I have time to do so. Right now, we just want to pass on the details we have. We will update as soon as we know more.
All our love - Araujo Fam
Garden of d'Lights December 2010
14 years ago
Sending enormous amounts of love and healthy thoughts your way.
We are keeping Mario in our thoughts, and sending you every ounce positive energy we have! You have a strong, beautiful baby boy.
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