Friday, July 20, 2007

"Functioning Kasai"

Well, mostly good news today! Mario is up to 5 Kilos and into the 25th percentile for weight (higher than he has been since birth). Bilirubin levels are down almost 50% from where they were when he was admitted to the hospital. Bile seems to be flowing as it should and the doctors are happy to let us keep "pushing the calories" for now and check his blood in 3 weeks to make sure the liver is still functioning as it should. So, we aren't out of the woods yet, but WOW what a relief to hear the surgeon say "he has a functioning Kasai" :) Oh, and I don't have to give him shots anymore. He will stay on the remaining medication and supplements indefinetely. I'm running to dinner so I'll update more or answer your emails if you have questions over the weekend but wanted to get this bit out as soon as I could. All our love, Phoebe and the fam


Jennie Moore said...

Hip, hip, pooray!

Love you,


Harsha said...

Great news. Glad he is doing good.

Anonymous said...

the poor boy will have to put up with a lot of silly comments on his 21st - i didn't know what i started when i wrote that.... :o)) can someone tell him i'm sorry already???? :o)) all the best, mon!