Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Tuesday Morning

10:00AM Eva and I arrived back at the hospital about an hour ago. I took a photo and posted...Mario looks much better to me today. One thing we're looking for is the bilirubin to start to leave his body. The blood tests to prove that will be tmrw, but 2 good signs we've had are 1: he pooped a bit yesterday and 2: his eyes look clearer and more white versus yellow to me. His stomach tube has been switched from suction to just gravity so that his system can start to process things a little further down. Send good vibes and hopefully he can eat something tmrw. our love, Araujo Fam

1 comment:

Kirk11 said...

Mario looks great! Glad to hear the surgery went well and things are looking better. Would love to come and visit once things settle down. Our "positive vibes" are prayers are with Mario and family each day!