We met with Dr. Christie today. In short, Mario will need a liver transplant eventually. We are now just trying to determine when - his best guess is 12-18 months. The HIDA scan indicated that there isn't secretion - meaning the Kasai isn't functioning the way we would like. His Bilirubin levels are not more elevated yet and he has solid weight gain, so we do not go immediately on the transplant list. Instead, we have a series of more tests. Today, they checked vitamin levels and determined he is low on K. Poor enough levels that they are making Israel drive back to the hospital for a shot. Later this month we will have an ultrasound to determine the level of scarring in the liver. Then, within the month, we will have a consult with the transplant team at Children's so they can get us in their database and start working on Mario's scoring. Over the next months-year, Mario will be on the list of patients discussed as the team determines when to list him.
It is unfortunate to get this news, but on the other hand, at least we know what is coming. I've done a ton of research thus far and feel very confident in the team at Seattle Children's and the process we will go through. Please keep Mario in your thoughts.
Garden of d'Lights December 2010
14 years ago
What a cute picture of Mario! All our positive energy is being sent your way. The Sanders
Hi! Your FAMILY will be fine and will thrive no matter what because you are incredible human beings who were lucky enough to have found one another...and produce these beautiful children.
You are inspiring! Nancy
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