Israel and Mario spend the day at Children's today. IV draw at 10am, blood draw, injection at 1030am and HIDA Scan from 1030 to 1200. Then another 30 minute scan at 2pm. We might have to do another scan at 10am Wed morning as well. Poor Mario then gets his 4 month shots on Wed afternoon and we meet with the GI on Thu to get all the results of HIDA Scan and blood work. This will hopefully tell us if bile is getting OUT of Mario's liver as it should. We are hoping for good results to show this from HIDA scan as well as lower Bilirubin levels from blood work. These results will give us hope that we do not need to start getting assed by the tranplant team anytime soon. So think positive and send him good vibes please! He is SUCH a trooper.
Oh yeah, I start work today...first day back after 6 months. Not quite like the day Mario will have, but something. Eva also starts her EAGLE class today at school. Officially PRE-K.
Garden of d'Lights December 2010
14 years ago
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