Sunday, July 8, 2007

Sunday, 7/8

Well, the weekend flew by. We're getting our routine down with Mario's medications. The nurse approved my spreadsheet to track everything. I did end up having to do an injection...3X/week. I gave that one to him in the hospital on Friday with supervision from the nurse and it wasn't as bad as I expected. Mario is being a trooper, tolerating all the goo we have to put in his mouth. He gets uncomfortable at times, his incision gets sore, etc. But he continues to smile and eat and poop - all good news.

I have blood tests and appt with the Gastro doc on Tuesday so I will probably have more news then. Meanwhile, thanks for your continued good wishes.

1 comment:

Playing Outside... said...

Very Happy News! He looks great! We can't wait to see you all!