11AM - they're on their way home now.
9AM - Mario and Israel are still in the hospital this morning. Isra said they had a decent night. Mario ate a huge plate of pasta, brocolli and chicken before I left last night. More food than I have EVER seen him eat, so good sign. I think he didn't eat well before because the bleeding in his little esophogus hurt him. The photos Dr. H took of the esophogus this time look clean and pink. So, hopefully good for awhile. His hematacrit was up to 31.5 last night. Much better than over the weekend. So, the 2nd blood transfusion helped. Hopefully they will be released after rounds this morning and we will "schedule" the next scope in 3 weeks. Since Mario is too small for banding, they have to keep an eye on the varices. Take care all, thanks for your kinds words, prayers, thoughts and "stalking" (that's for Jennie) of the web-site. We love you all.
Garden of d'Lights December 2010
14 years ago
Will continue to keep Mario in our thoughts.
Let us know if we can help at all...
Yeah!! Glad they are on their way home!
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