Friday, February 29, 2008

No scope, fever, admitted

Well, we left the house with a fever of 38C (around 100.5 F I think-they said to come anyway) and ended up at 39.1 when we got here. Dr. Horslen said there is no reason to proceed with the endoscopy since it was "elective" but now we're concerned he might have we were admitted. He put in orders for blood cultures, IV antibiotics. Since there are no other symptoms (no ear, throat, nose infections, etc) they proceed as if it is colangitis - not something you want to mess around with as it can damage the liver more. Anyway, we're here, his temp has come down to 37 now so I asked the nurse to check with Dr. Horslen again before we do all the IV antibiotics...he's on his way to talk to me. Mario is fine, laughing, eating, a bit warm but not hot like he was 3 hours ago. Will update as I know more...

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