Friday, February 22, 2008

Social worker on Monday

Well, Israel finished up all the medical testing late on Monday (2 hours in the MRI machine at the end of the day). Seems like everything went well, but we really won't know anything firm until all the docs get together and discuss it. We meet with the UW social worker on Monday. They do a pretty thorough evaluation with your "support person" (me) there to make sure you will be well covered for the recovery. In our case, this will be done with great scrutiny since I will have Mario as a patient at home too. I go into this meeting so thankful (and with great confidence) for all of you who have written with your offers to come help, fly in, move in, etc. to make sure Mario AND Israel are well cared for if we go this route. Thanks again, we'll keep you posted! All our love, P, I, E, & M

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