Sunday, March 23, 2008

Mario gets it

1130PM OR nurse just called to tell me they have started the surgery to remove the liver. New liver should be here within 30 minutes. It will take ~4 hours to get the old one out.

1000PM He's in the OR, we'll get updates every couple hours. It's happening!

830PM We just received word that it's a go. They're coming for us in about an hour and the surgery could take up to 12 hours so try to get some sleep folks and we'll update you in the morning. If there's anything worth reporting tonight and I have time I'll do that too.

730PM We'll know more in an hour or so. The team is checking the organs, will call and report when they're on the way. Dr was just here, said it is possible that intestine is compromised which puts Mario next for the liver. So, at this point - possible. Will update when we know.


Anonymous said...

Thinking positive thoughts for you all. Love you guys.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! It's going to be hard to sleep tonight! Lots of love,
Emma and Leigh

Anonymous said...

Ditto what Em said!!

Love you! Mary and Jody

Teresa said...

OMG Phoebe! I am so happy for you all. Glad I checked your blog tonight. We will be thinking positive thoughts for Mario. I hope all goes exactly as planned and he has the quickest and easiest recovery!

Anonymous said...

What they all said... lots of love and everything good!

btw, why don't girls come with volume controls?

Anonymous said...

We are sending positive thoughts your way! We are so happy!!
love, The Daly's

Anonymous said...

Been away from the computer since 2-so much has happened! All our love and positive thoughts. This is one Easter to remember.
Love you, Jennie