Saturday, March 1, 2008

+BC bloodculture gram - rods

My medical training continues... in short, the little nasty organisms are growing in the petrie dish. The gram - rods (this is the type and shape, rod shape little organisms) are treated with the antibiotics we're already giving, so we continue the course. Mario will be in the hospital now for awhile as they draw daily cultures, until one is conslusively negative for the organisms (takes 48 hours to confirm negative). So at this point, the next culture is this afternoon so we're here until Tuesday at the earliest. :( The silver lining (yes, I can still find one) is that Mario is a well timed little boy - exposing this the day we were scheduled to be here! If we had not been here already on Friday, we would have likely ended up at the pediatrician Friday, maybe Saturday and maybe being admitted here on Monday. So, we caught it early.

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