1130AM They found a clot in the hepatic vein, have removed it and will bring him back soon. Hopefully just a minor set-back. They'll continue to monitor him the next couple days before we know much more. Everyone has tried to prepare us for these potential ups and downs...but still rough. We'll update more this afternoon.
10AM well we have a minor set back...they were unable to pick up the hepatic vein flow when they did the ultrasound this morning. so, Dr. Healey took him back to OR to take a look. Could be a kink or clot, thrombosis. But an "adjustment" needed. This type of thing is very much to be expected in the first couple days post op. But, obviously, still hard to take. He is doing so well otherwise. He's in the OR now so hopefully he'll be back within a couple hours - up to 4.
730AM I'm on my way back to the hospital shortly. Israel stayed with Mario, he is fine. They've been trying to keep him sedated and he was fighting it a bit at first. Dr. Horslen came by and said after they do an ultrasound this morning they will consider taking the breathing tube out. There was a bit of stress in the evening trying to get the right drug mix in place to make him drowsy again, he just kept fighting it and the nurse said the liver was metabolizing things well. So, I'll get more information at rounds this morning and provide an update later today.
Thank you all for your positive energy, thoughts, wishes, prayers. Whatever form they take for you :) It has all helped!
Garden of d'Lights December 2010
14 years ago
Great news that things seem to be going well. We will be looking forward to more updates and continue to send the good juju your way!
The hit counter on the blog has really been working hard!
The Scheduling team is thinking of you and praying for you. Get well soon!
Now that's a good morning! All good stuff!
Stay strong! You and Israel are amazing parents. I'm truly inspired by you. In no time, Mario will be chasing after Eva. We're praying for his speedy recovery. Love, Scheri
I'm thinking of you guys and hoping that everything goes well with Mario. I'm praying for Mario and sending him my best positive energies
The blog has been up at work and we keep refreshing. Our thoughts are with you.
Michelle and Tricia
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