Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Development Testing...

Everyone is pretty pleased with Mario's development. He's doing well on verbal, fine-motor, etc. He is just slightly behind on gross motor...basically because he isn't pulling himself up yet. He is hindered at the moment with the PICC line in his left arm. He's been trying to work around the line in his arm by scooting (it hurts his hand to flex his wrist because the line is in the way). Long story short, we will go back in 6 wks after he's got the line out and make sure he's on the road (pardon the pun) toward walking. Otherwise, they are very happy with his development. Good marks all around. The idea was to check now, get a good baseline, then keep him on their radar for post transplant so we can monitor his progress and make sure any/all resources are available to us if Mario should fall behind. Again, Childrens' showing how organized and thorough they are...ahead of the game!

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