Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dinnner of rice, chicken, peas, some ice cream for dessert. We got to remove our line for a bit and take a stroll(er) around the floor. Mario still doesn't want to take much liquid. I managed to force down about 4 oz of a bottle right before nap. Unfortunately, we need to get him taking fluids better before they will talk about sending us home. His last dose of IV antibiotics is tmrw night so there isn't much else keeping him tied to the hospital other than fluid intake and dressing changes (his incision is still and will remain open until it heals on its own). More tmrw, love to all, PhoebeAnother big breakfast of peanut butter toast, bananas, cheerios, oatmeal and yogurt. Still doesn't want much to drink. They have a him on a drip, gotta overcome that before we can talk about going home. Low mag levels too - I guess this is normal, one of his immunosuppresents makes his kidneys "waste" magnesium so we're adding a supplement for that.


Anonymous said...

He looks like he's lovin' the food!! So happy to see him better! Keep the good news coming!
Erin, Ian, Cam, Logan, Alice, Candice, and Esko.

Scheri said...

We are sending lots of prayers and positive thoughts for more fluids! I know you guys are anxious to go home, so hopefully it will happen very soon. We send our love! Scheri & family

Anonymous said...

His crazy hair is cracking me up!!! We are so excited for the little bit of progress of every day. Love Sarah & Fam

Anonymous said...

Drink, Mario, drink! We want you to go home!! What wonderful happy pics. Keep them coming! Also going to need a haircut one of these days.

Lol, Mary and Jody

Anonymous said...

Mario has the best bed head ever!
xo, smp