Evening: Ladies and Gentleman, we have poop. Can you hear the collective sigh of relief? I thought about taking a photo for Dave but it seemed inappropriate to violate Mario that way :) I will afterall be keeping the blog pages as a journal for him to read later.
Afternoon: Mario is doing well, he got his catheter out and is peeing freely :) Now we just need to get some bowel movement so we can think about food. He has gas sounds in his belly but needs to pass some gas and stool before we can start food. Other than that, not much to report.
Garden of d'Lights December 2010
14 years ago
I expect to see nothing less than photographic proof of the first BM.
Yeah for pee! Cannot wait to hear about the first poop! Yahoo! Seriously, very very very happy to hear this are looking good.
YAY, Poop!!!! He is making amazing progress. Keep it up!! We send our love.
Scheri & family
And yet, another "Yeah for poop!" He is going to hate this part someday when he reads the blog!!
So happy to hear you had another good, quiet day. Hope tomorrow goes just as well!
All our love, Mary and Jody
Never, in my life, have I been so thrilled about poop before! YAY Mario! Keep it coming!! LOL
As always, our thoughts are with you!
Erin Ian Cam Logan Alice Candice and Esko.
Now you can call him a Pooper Trooper! Okay, maybe not :) Such great news. I never thought I'd tear up at the mention of bodily functions, but this is something special. Love and hugs to all of you, Jennie
kewl ..... poop.
Can we sing the poopy pants song?!! One small progressive step out of the hospital at a time. Love you all Sarah & Fam
Wow, who knew that a poop story could generate such happiness? That is great guys!! Keep on trucking Super Mario!
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