Morning: Mario had a better night last night, no spiking fevers. The cultures still grew though and this morning his white blood count is back up. Israel is meeting the surgeon that works with Reyes at the UW tmrw morning and we'll get things scheduled very soon. Israel is handling everything very well, such strength. He gave me a chuckle yesterday because he had to go get a hair cut so he would start with a new fresh cut before being in the hospital for awhile. :) Also wanted to say THANKS to everyone for your offers to help! I am on email most of the day, so I'm coordinating things that way. Know that I'm reading your notes even if I don't respond. I am relieved to have such a great support system out there ready and waiting to step in. You guys are all amazing.
Just think of us all as TEAM MARIO, your own reserve army of helpers, ready to jump in at a moment's notice :)
Phoebe, soy la tia de Israel y lamento no poder escribir el inglés. Les mando saludos con amor y deseo sepan que aun estando lejos, pedimos por la salud de Mario. Estamos con ustedes.
Con amor
Guadalupe Araujo
We are thinking of you guys. You are amazingly strong parents! Wish we were closer to help out, but we'll have to just keep sending our positive thoughts and prayers for now. We send our love! Scheri & family
He has a beautiful smile!
I'm with Jennie!
That smile is like fuel for the spirit!
xo, smp
tia guadalupe - entiendo todo...gracias!
What a beautiful picture!!
Glad to hear of the improved day. Mario will have another donor soon.
It is so nice to see that smile! Erin Duff.
We are praying for another donor in the next couple days! It is great to see him smiling. We send lots of love your direction!! Scheri & family
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