noon: Hi all, thanks for your paitience, internet issues at the hospital this morning! Mario is doing very well. He had a good night with solid numbers and he was awake shortly after they brought him back to ICU. He is mostly breathing on his own at this time so the breathing tube should come out today (awesome to get it out on day 1). They did an ultrasound this morning and we're awaiting the official results before removing the breathing tube, but I did get a thumb up from Dr. Healey when he peaked into the room and looked over the shoulder of the girl that was doing the ultrasound. Mario's incision is open this time, only the skin, muscles sown closed...they are being very careful about infection since this is the 4th time they opened through that incision. Today will be a quiet day, I'll update later if there is anything new.
morning/internet down: hi everyone its Chantel talked with Phoebe the internet is down at the hospital she will update the blog as soon as possible.. Mario is doing good, they are hoping to takeout his breathing tube later today. Mario is being a trooper.
Good to hear all is well! I can't wait to hear more good news!
Erin Ian Cam Logan Candice Esko and Alice.
Thanks for the update Chantel. We will keep our fingers crossed his breathing tube can come out soon!
Mary and Jody
So glad everything is going well- thanks for the updated and hoping his tube comes out today! What an amazing little guy!
Thanks for being so great with the updates! We're thinking about you guys constantly and thrilled to hear that everything is going so well!
xo, the prouty's
Thanks for the updates! All of us out here sure appreciate it. So happy he is doing so great. He is such a super little boy!! Love, The Daly's
It's like getting a little present every time there's a new update! And the best kind when it's great news like this. Thanks for taking the time to keep us all in the loop. Thinking of you guys constantly.
Love, Jennie, Dave & Cassidy.
Super to hear that the Drs think everything looks great! Keep the good news coming!
I can't wait for the little guy to get back to his home, and to resume his life.
He is a really tough kid.
Looking good Mario!
Damn, I almost lost it reading that wishbone story yesterday.
Fabulous news kids... very, very happy it's gone so well. Go Mario! Lots of love & big smiles from Syd love Tam, Shann & Lachie xxoo
I say it again- amazing little guy! It's just making my day like nothing else to hear how great he's doing!
Sweet little thing. So glad to hear everything is progressing so well! Love, Jennie
What wonderful news. We are thinking of you all.
Brad and Kristi
Great news about the ultrasound! Mario looks like he's resting peacefully too. What terrific way to end the day...lots of love to you all...Emma, Leigh and Grandma Ella
Yeah! No more breathing tube! Glad to hear everything is going smoothly so far. Will keep up the good thoughts for the next few days as he continues to recover!
Lol, Mary and Jody
"no more breathing tube" = great news!!
Checking in from AZ
Que bueno que todo va bien, Mario es un niƱo fantastico, tiene mucha fuerza y se va a recuperar pronto.
Saludos con amor de parte de Abel, Carmen, Guadalupe y primos.
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