Thursday, April 3, 2008

Back in ICU

4:30PM The ultrasound this morning and CT just awhile ago shows something around the bile ducts, swelling or leakage or something...they are still working out what it might be. Mario will have a HIDA scan to rule out leakage and we'll go from there... This will take hours so I won't have much to update until tonight or tomorrow.

2:00PM He's stable, just sleeping now and seems to have kicked his fever. He's on a bunch of antibiotics because he tested positive for Gram Negative Rods (same as when he had cholangitis a few weeks ago). So, we're just taking cultures and watching petrie dishes until they stop growing now.

11:00AM They took out the line and his fever has come back down, he's napping.

8:00AM Mario started getting fevers last night, spiked up to 40C and was admitted back to the ICU. The consensus is that he has an infection in the line that he has in his neck, so he's on a bunch of antibiotics. The nice thing about the ICU is the individual care, for example, he was scheduled for an ultrasound this morning so they brought it to him. From the floor, you have to go to the ultrasound people. I'll update more later today if there are any changes.


Anonymous said...

So glad his fever is down and I'm glad they're taking such good care of him (all of you, actually) there. I'll be checking back soon, hoping for more good news.
Love, Jennie

Jana said...

Sooo glad marios feeling better! that smile is priceless :)


Anonymous said...

Good news that Mario's fever is down. Hope he is feeling better. Keeping up the good thoughts that additional test results will bear good news.

I was just thinking about how Jody and I feel as we read all of the good news on Mario and then there is a set back for him and how you had talked about trying to prepare yourself for all of the ups and downs the staff warned you about. We can't begin to imagine what the two of you are going through emotionally with all that is happening and want you to know how much you both inspire us with your strength. You are wonderful parents and friends and we are honored to know both of you and your family. (I know, mushy, but it's early and I get sentimental this time of day!)

Love you guys! Mary and Jody