9:00PM Dr. Healey came to tell us they are finished. They are happy with the liver...need to closely monitor blood flow and he'll be on a heparin drip again (to prevent clotting). There is still some risk of infection since they went in and stirred up the bacteria that were in the old liver. It sounds like it was in pretty bad shape. Mario had some low bp's during the surgery, caused by the infection so he's on medication for that. Tonight is watching that, tomorrow we do and ultrasound to confirm blood flow is good and over the next few days we balance blood flow versus bleeding very carefully. They're letting us back soon so I'll probably do my next update in the morning. Take care all
7:30PM Dr. Reyes came out to tell us that everything is still going well. He's happy with the bloodflow and Dr. Healey is finishing up connecting the bile duct. should be 3-4 more hours.
5:30PM Received another update that the liver is in and they have blood flow, they are in the process of reviewing everything via ultrasound. They estimate another 1-3 hours until they start to close him up. The nurse said that "everyone is happy with how things look so far." He agreed when I asked if it seemed things were going more quickly than expected. I am surprised that they have completed so much of the surgery already.
3:30PM We just received an update that they are starting to attach the donor vessels to the aorta (this is the part where they redo the hepatic artery that was blocked before). The nurse said he'd update again when they have blood flow to the new liver.
2:00PM We talked to the OR nurse. He said they've started to remove the old liver and Dr. Reyes is still preparing the new one. He'll update us when the old liver is out and then again later on when they have blood flow to the new liver. It's going to be a long afternoon and evening of waiting. I will update when I can. Thanks for continuing to send Mario strength.
11:00AM Mario is with the team in the OR now. This time it will probably take longer since they have the artery to repair so we are expecting a long wait. We're going outside to the play area with Eva for a bit and will be offline. We'll update later as we get reports from the team.
8:00AM We just received an update that the donor was going into surgery around 6am so they expect us to be taken in around 11am or so.
7:00AM We're sitting here waiting for them to tell us things are ready. Word is that everything is still on. Will update when we send him to the OR.
Garden of d'Lights December 2010
14 years ago
Keeping up the good thoughts! Give Mario a kiss for us!
Lots of love, Mary and Jody
We're thinking about you guys...
Good things come to those who wait, right? Sending all my positive thoughts your way. Love, Jennie
Please let us know if you need anything. Mario is such a trooper!
We'll be sending you lots of positive thoughts all day...Love, Leigh and Emma
estamos con ustedes
Good luck Mario - be strong.
Our thoughts are with you!
Erin Ian Cam Logan Candice Esko, and Alice
Phoebe, you are all in my thoughts. I can't believe all that you and your family have been going through and I am praying so hard that Mario has a successful go this time.
Please don't hesitate to call for anything- 206.351.1344!
Love and prayers,
Amanda Sabatini
Numbers 6:24-26
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face to shine upon you,
and be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you,and give you peace.
Waiting eagerly to hear of Mario's successful surgery.
Chris n Karin
We are all with you right now.
We are praying for you guys today. We send our love! Scheri & family
Our hearts are with you...
Mario's smile is such an inspiration - he is a strong little man
xo, Prouty's
It went so well because Mario is a STUD! He's done being in the hospital and wants to be well in time for summer in the river!
Seriously - if there is any kid that can do this, it's Mario...
We are praying that surgery would be a success and that your little trooper would have a speedy recovery.
Justin and Christy Evans (Heather's brother and SIL)
Keep the good news coming! We are keeping up the prayers. What a strong, wonderful little boy he is!
Go, Mario, Go!
LOL, Mary and Jody
Hola primo esperamos que todo vaya muy bien con Mario, sepan que aqui todos estamos pendientes de la salud de Mario y que los queremos mucho. Cuidense y recuerden que los queremos mucho.
Yazmin, Josue, Horeb, Carmen, Abel, Guadalupe, David, Chucho, Uriel, Abi, etc....
Great news! Our thoughts are with you... best wishes for a strong and speedy recovery! We're looking forward to seeing you all soon!
xo~ Suz, Bri, Hannah, & Zach
What wonderful news. We'll all be dreaming about Mario's quick recovery tonight (and that sweet smile we can't wait to see. ) Love you guys. Jennie, Dave and Cassidy.
P.S. Dave and I just broke a wishbone. I got the bigger half, but it didn't matter- I know we were both wishing for the same thing :)
xoxo, Jennie
Phoebe and family,
Very happy to hear surgery is over. Praying for continued good news for little Mario.
Debbie E
Loving you guys. Can't wait to see the little man smiling.
Phoebe, Isreal, Eva, and Mario plus all the rest of the family. We praise God that this has gone quickly and seemingly so well. We will keep you continuelly in our prayers from now until the end of never.
Please don't hesitate to call us if you need something. You are family! We will make every effort to make it happen for you!
In Christ, Kris & Paul Johnson
Hey guys,
Note you have 24h support since we are thinking of you now while everyone over your side is sleeping and vice versa!
Fingers crossed for you!
xxx Moni and Tom in OZ
Glad to hear he made it through surgery fine. Hope today goes well and you get to see little Mario's smile again soon!
Lots of love, Mary and Jody
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