Saturday, April 12, 2008

Mario the fighter

3:00PM Dr Reyes was here, he is happy with Mario's progress against the infection. It seems his body has done a good job of sealing it off within the liver. He's still having some fevers but the blood cultures have been clear now for 2 days. Reyes was hoping for this so that we can go into surgery with the odds in our favor (lower the risk of spreading the infection to the new liver). He is still working on the logistics and said it could be at any time, he can't tell us when, but we'll have ~12 hours notice. Hard to deal with the ambiguity, but we just have to be ready. He has 20 years of experience doing this, so we certainly want him to tell us when the time is right!Hard to believe that this kid has nasty bacteria eating the dying part of his liver. Look at him! My son is an inspiration that is for sure. Surgeon should be here this afternoon to give us the timing/plan.


CG said...

He is a fighter. How a child can sit up when they are going through all this is amazing. I am sending prayers and continued strength to Mario, you and your family.

Guadalupe Araujo said...

Saludos Phoebe, Israel, Eva y Mario.
Mucho animo!

Con amor
Abel, Carmen y Guadalupe Araujo

Phoebe said...

para la familia en Mexico gracias por los pensamientos ,oraciones y buena vibra,seguimos en las mismas, acavamos de hablar con el cirujano Dr Jorge Reyes por si habia una fecha u hora paro nada la contestacion fue cuando la hora sea propicia para mario, y tenga las arterias que quiere conseguir de otra persona para reconstruir las de mario nos diran,el piensa entre hoy y el martes va hacer la operacion hjala aya un donante o sino un pedaso del mio sera, si tienen preguntas pueden ponerlas aqui y tambien le pedire a Aaron que les hable el llega hoy en la tarde aqui a Seattle , cuidense los quiere Israel

Anonymous said...

My family is checking this blog multiple times a day now. So again, we are sending all our positive thoughts and prayers to Mario, and Israel (dad of the year!!!!) and too you Phoebe, and Eva! I should say Family of the year! You are all an inspiration, and little Mario continues to fight, and amaze us all! That beautiful smile in all those pictures warms our hearts, and we cannot wait until he is out of the hospital, and up here for a visit!
Erin Ian Cam Logan Alice Candice and Esko!

Jennie Moore said...

I love that last picture. He's not smiling, but boy, does he look determined! :) He is an inspiration, and it's no wonder, with parents and a big sister like he has. Love you all, Jennie