Evening: CT shows a collection of fluid or possibly gas right in/on the liver. But it is likely just the deteriorating tissue caused by lack of blood flow so there is no reason to do anything invasive. Just more evidence that we need to replace the liver. Mario is sleeping peacefully right now so I'm going to try to get some of my own zzz's.
Afternoon: We had an ultrsound, looks like some fluid might be collecting in there (which would be a cause for the continued infection) so we're headed for a CT soon to see if we can get a good picture of where it is. Reyes is hopeful that we could remove it without opening him up, but possibly do a procedure where they use imaging to see the fluid and go in to pull it out directly through the skin (without an incision).
Morning: I'm having trouble figuring out what/how to write today, so I'll just write it. Israel and I talked to the doctors about Israel as Mario's potential donor. They had already discussed as a team and figured out that we could schedule this for early next week. We need to do what we can to get Mario's infection under control but clearly need to move ahead and replace this liver. Israel is going to meet the UW surgeon asap and Dr. Reyes (he's a big name in doing living donor transplants) will be at UW and then here with Mario for the procedure. Mario still has bacteria, a 3rd antibiotic was added yesterday and his fever was later, shorter and less severe last night, so hoping we're making progress against the infection. Not much else to report today.
Garden of d'Lights December 2010
14 years ago
We're all thinking about you guys right now. Sending all our positive thoughts your way. Please ask if you need anything.
Whatever you need, whenever you need it, we're here. Lots of love, Jennie
I just googled the procedure and it sounds like that if Israel proceeds with it he will be laid up for a few months. If you have the need for a "strong back" please get in touch with me. It would be my privilege to help any way I can. I get off the Tug this Friday and will be home for two weeks after that.
Chris(Karin's husband)
You are in our thoughts every minute of every day! Your strength through all of this continues to amaze us. Little Mario is such a trooper!
Anything you need, never hesitate to ask!
Erin, Ian, Cam, Logan, Candice, Esko, and Alice.
You both know all of the troops are readied to do whatever we can to help. Although I don't know all of these wonderful people who have been posting on this blog I am sure everyone is set to do whatever we need to help all of you through this! Just give the word.
Both of your strength IS amazing!
We love you! Mary and Jody
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