Wow, we're going home. I'm so relieved. Mario had great labs this morning ate a big breakfast and with no IV's in his arms for the first time in over a month, he went to rounds, fully clothed and smiling. A bit of a set up on my part :) But this kid (and this mom) deserve to be home now. Thank you all for you continued support and encouragement. We got through this long experience on the strength you shared with us. This is really just the beginning but what a wonderful beginning it is! Love to all, Phoebe
p.s. we'll have quite a bit going on at home as we get settled, get Mario's new schedule of meds all set, etc. we have to do his dressing changes and meds on our own now so please understand if you don't hear from us this weekend/next week. we'll be getting ourselves back into our routine.
Garden of d'Lights December 2010
14 years ago
Candice, Ady and I are very happy to hear that Mario is doing well and that he gets to spend his first birthday at home! Take care.
-Jacob, Candice, Ady.
Congratulations! What a milestone in this long ordeal! Best wishes
God Bless you and Have a Wonderful Day in your own home! HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY MARIO!!!
Wonderful news!!! Happy Birthday Mario! Love, the Daly's
What wonderful news! Your little guy gets to spend his first birthday at home. It is so great to hear, and it gives me a huge smile to know that you'll all be at home together. All of you are amazing, and Mario is such a trooper, it amazes and inspires us all.
We wish you all the best!
Erin Ian Cam Logan Alice Candice and Esko.
Congratulations! You'll be all settled before the big birthday! We are so, so happy for you guys. We send all our love!
Scheri & family
What fabulous news!!! Enjoy your homecoming and Mario's birthday - we'll be in touch soon....Emma and Leigh.
I just learned how to comment like this from my friend that is here. She is more computer savy than I . CONGRATULATIONS! You are home now as you read this I am sure. I am glad that God answered your prayer to be home in time for Mario's first birthday! May God continue to bless you as you nurse Mario at home. Love, Val, Kevin and Jacob
Congratulations!! We are so happy for all of you!! What a wonderful 1st birthday present for Mario. And you made me cry again!!!! It has been such a long hard road for all of you and not over yet, but what a long way you have come in the past 1 1/2 weeks. We will be thinking of you over the next weekend and week as you get settled back in to home life with your family. How great is that going to feel? Please let us know when you can have visits again or if Eva wants to do the zoo trip.
All our love, Mary and Jody
happy birthday ( a few hours early...) awesome news. Here's getting back to "normal". ha/jc
We are so happy that you guys are leaving the hospital.
God bless you!
Chris n Karin
¡Felicidades por tu primer cumpleaños Mario! y estamos muy contentos por que ya estas en casa.
Sigue con esa fuerza que has demostrado hasta ahora. Eres grande de espiritú y de aqui en adelante todo te saldra bien. Te queremos mucho.
Besos y abrazos para Eva, Phoebe e Israel y especialmente hoy para ti.
De Nuevo
Happy birthday Mario!
Abel, Carmen, Guadalupe y familia
Happy B-Day Mario!
Love, The Daly's
Who was hit # 10,000 :) funny
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