11:00PM We were able to get back to the room with Mario a few minutes ago. He is fine. He has 3 drains and a cathiter that runs from the liver, through his bile duct, into the small intestine and that comes out of his belly into a bag. I guess this will stay in for a week to three while they monitor him and see how things go. The bile duct had started to show some damage/scarring, so they re-constructed the roux connection (y to the small intestine) to wrap around it and cover the damaged part (sort of like a funnel). Hard to say what will happen next. Right now we're focused on making sure they got all the infection out, the drains will ensure no more fluid builds up.
7:00PM They just got started with the actually operation. It takes some time to get him prepped for surgery, get IV's where they want them, breathing/vent, etc. So, we'll update in awhile when he's out and we've talked to the doc.
5:45PM They just took him back to the OR. We'll get hourly updates. Dr. Healey said he doesn't expect it to take too long. Everyone send Mario strength please, he was feeling pretty cruddy today. I have faith that the docs will fix him up.
3:30PM One of our surgeons has been in another procedure that hasn't wrapped up yet, still waiting. He's got a temp again, just trying to be patient while we wait for them to wrap things up and get ready for Mario.
11:30AM No word on when he'll go in. The surgery should be 2-3 hours. We'll end up back here in the same ICU room so I'll update when I can.
10:30AM The team has decided it is a bile leak, appears to be where the duct is attached to his Roux en Y (the piece of intestine they connected to the liver). So, he's going to the OR shortly to take a look, remove the leakage, put in a drain and try to stitch up the leak.
7:00AM We haven't had the second HIDA scan yet just waiting still.
Garden of d'Lights December 2010
14 years ago
Thinking about you.
Good luck! We are praying that this one is his last for a long while and he'll be 100%! Scheri
Me too ... I pray that this is the last one for a long while also.
We are thinking about you guys every minute and sending super positive vibes your way! Xo, the Daly's
Keeping all of you, especially Mario, in my thoughts and prayers.
My heart goes out to you and Mario.
- Erica
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