6:00PM The HIDA scan didn't show any obvious leaking, so we do a quick scan again in the morning to be sure. Mario is spiking a fever again, so still working toward getting the infection under control but at least they don't think there is further leaking (could just be the bile duct "flaring" up from all the surgery and the bacteria attaching to it are hard to get at). So we wait...
330PM: The ultrasound doesn't show any collections of fluid but there is some bilirubin in one of his tummy drains so we're going to do another HIDA scan to be sure there isn't something leaking still. The team discussed Mario this morning at their meeting and decided to ask for a number of exception points. He was listed as a 6 last week when we left ICU but they are asking for something in the 30's I'll get an update tmrw on the exact number (range is -10 to 40). At this point they really think it would be best to do another transplant while we're still in the hospital.
...badness in the petrie dish. He was STILL positive for gram negative rods from yesterday's cultures. The infectious disease guys visited and added another new antibiotic yesterday afternoon so they're telling me "hopefully" the cultures we took this AM will not grow anything. I've been hearing this daily though so I'm getting grumpy. We'll do an ultrasound here shortly and make sure no new fluid has collected in his belly. He's not very happy, feels crappy, has a fever, just zoning on Elmo (and I've mixed in a little Clifford the Big Red Dog - red cartoon animal theme is working). I want my little Mario to get his smile back.
Garden of d'Lights December 2010
14 years ago
Poor sweet thing. My thoughts, hugs, support and get-well strength are with you all. xoxo Jennie
Frazier and I are thinking about you guys.
I hope he gets feeling better real soon. We are keeping you guys in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong. We send our love. Scheri & family
Come on antibiotics, WORK!! Poor little guy. We're trying to send lots of good and positive thoughts your way!
Lots of love!! Mary and Jody
We have been saying our prayers morning noon and night for the little one. Love Karin and Kids
Your strength is amazing and inspiring.
Praying for Mario to heal.
We're thinking about all of you. Magic, juju's, wishes... whatever we can come up with are going to Mario....
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